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今回届いたのは、'Zombie Boy And The Mana-Personality' というタイトルの記事です。そのまま「ゾンビ・ボーイとマナ人格」という邦題にしました。



画像出典元:facebook 'Zombie Boy'

出演したことでリック・ジェネストを一躍有名にした、Lady Gagaの 'Born This Way' (2:04あたりでわかりやすく彼の姿を見れます)。



R.I.P. to such a young talented artist, Rick Genest. 翻訳・文責:持田 直子(ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン)






画像出典元:Cultural Colectiva










創造性が、あなたを人間にする。 Creativity makes you a human being.
創造性が、あなたを生かし続ける。 Creativity keeps you alive.



2018年8月6日 ザビエ・ベトコート 対訳 持田 直子(ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン)




I had not seen any photos about Rick Genest, known as Zombie Boy, consciously, at least, because I am not very attracted to tattoo images and I normally try to avoid them; most of all, I find zombies disgusting. But when he died last week, I was intrigued because the BBC news made a huge coverage about him; suddenly, my eyes sort of focused this peculiar young man covered from head to toe with tattoos of his own bones and inner organs. Most surprising, when I saw one of his interviews, I discovered that he was quite an intelligent and gentle fellow.

I decided to learn more about him and then I cast his natal chart. Mr Rick Genest, he was born on August 7, 1985 in Montreal, Canada: it is a pity we do not know his time birth yet, and maybe we will never do, but the chart, cast at noon, reveals him as symbol of our times; his image, personality and death, illustrate all the important transits we all are going through, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio.

The contrast between his scary persona, a real zombie, sort of corpse singing and dancing, or modeling in a very stylish way, with the self-awareness and down to earth personality he revealed in his interviews is fascinating.

What stroke me the most is that his image was the result of a long process; it is not that he decided suddenly to cover his skin with those terrifying images. Since he was 5 years old he was attracted to tattoos; it became a real vocation. Here we can say that as a Leo he liked original games to attract people, but when he was a teenager, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor; he was then supposed either to die or remain horribly disfigured; this made him become obsessed with the morbid and the macabre, as he declared himself.

In his natal chart, Saturn is in Scorpio squaring his conjunction of Sun Mercury in Leo; we could say that the playfulness, joy of living of Rick was suddenly threatened by death in a horrendous manner: pain and deformation. But he survived and transformed this painful experience into a source of creativity; images of death were printed on his skin, the bones appeared on it too, and most important, his brain was sort of printed on the scalp of his crane. We can say that every tattoo he had on his flesh represented a deep an painful experience, but also a creative revelation.

Saturn (skeleton) in Scorpio (the genetic process controlled by the brain) gradually embodied Rick. As Saturn in the sign of Pluto is a sort of variation from the theme of Pluto in Capricorn, Zombie Boy became an image of this mysterious and unique transit (Pluto will come back to Capricorn after 250 years). No wonder Lady Gaga was enthralled by him.

Saturn in Scorpio is a tough position for a fiery sign such as Leo, lots of fear, stress and struggles of power, but Rick took the challenge and made Death and Fear sing, dance, and even become a sort of sex symbol for the young generations. Capricorn can be an elegant and distinguished sign; I was impressed by the style of his modeling and designs.

With Pluto in opposition to his Moon in Taurus, his natal Pluto in Scorpio (the AIDS generation), plus Saturn in Scorpio, we can say that Zombie Boy was a real Plutonian; and consciously or unconsciously, Plutonians (charts with a strong Pluto emphasis) tend to use their own body as a laboratory to explore laws of nature, inner organs, transformation through pain, decay, sex, life and death.

The question I ask myself is this: if Rick Genest had found a unique and creative way to express his pain and horror, and, most of all, his was a down to earth individual, had a nice relationship with his girlfriend, and was loved by his friends, WHY, then, he had to die so young in almost a silly way? He went out to the balcony to smoke a cigarette and then fell down from the third floor.

There might be many reasons, of course, one could be that he had been too close to death all his life and, most probable, his death wish was very strong, unconsciously speaking. But from the point of view of the symbols I want to mention the most important to me: he was expressing and embodying, only too well, the most important and deep transit of our times: Pluto in Capricorn: life and death, power and transformation.

Jung named a very interesting archetypal phenomenon: the Mana-personality; it happens when someone becomes too much identified with an archetype, such as the mother, the father, the healer, warrior, and so on; he or she then is recognized by the community as representing an archetype. But over identification of an archetype can be dangerous for the person; the power of the archetype comes from the collective unconscious, an extremely powerful current of power meant to transform our lives and help the evolution of mankind. Nonetheless, it is too much for a single human being, who, first, becomes empowered by the charisma of the archetype, Pluto in Capricorn, for example, but then, the individual tends to melt, loses himself into it, and then the archetype destroys him.

With Sun Mercury in Leo, Zombie Boy was a sort of child, a puer, an eternal child, who managed to express his Golden Child despite the hardships of his childhood (natal Pluto in Scorpio, Moon Pluto), a terrible illness, and we do not know how many other though experiences. I will keep forever two of his phrases he uttered in an interview:

‘Creativity makes you a human being’.
‘Creativity keeps you alive’.

He said this from the bottom of his heart.

Zombie Boy died during the transit of Uranus conjunct his Moon in Taurus and opposing his Natal Pluto in Scorpio; I imagine that the demand of this transit might have been overwhelming for him, he had to transform himself again, reinvent himself again, but, How could he erase his tattooed skin? How could he be reborn again with a new skin, reset his genetic code? I think that Jupiter in Scorpio, by transit, squaring his Sun in Leo, was a dark angel who rescued him and liberated him.

Xavier Betancourt August 6, 2018





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