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<後編>リリスとダークマザー Lilith & Dark Mother




わたしは、カソリックの伝統の中で育ってきたのですが、男女に関わらず人間の中に眠る邪悪な考えを引き起こすと言われ、角があり山羊の足を持った恐ろしい邪悪なスピリットが、紛れもなく、あのギリシャ神話の中で音楽と性的快楽の神として出てくるパン(Pan-ギリシャ神話に出てくる牧羊神)と知った時には、安心しつつも驚いたのでした。それは、アーキタイプが崩壊させられることなど不可能だということが理解できたからなのです。キリスト教の神学者たちは、人間性が抱える全ての影の側面、それも主に性的な衝動を自由に表現することへの原因をパンになすりつける形で、彼を追いやりました。 よって、パンと彼の仲間たちであるニンフ(ギリシャ神話ー妖精)を追いかけるサテュロス(ギリシャ神話ー牧羊神)は、人類の影の部分へと押し込まれていったのです。そうなったことで、彼らはキリスト教徒たちを、教会が定めた「正しい道」から外れることへと誘惑し続けているのです。





翻訳:持田 直子(Power in U, Inc./ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン)



LILITH AND THE DARK MOTHER --- Continued from this page.

This Lilith aspect of the dark feminine has been developed by the patriarchal Hebrew tradition, mostly during the Middle Ages, in many of the books written by Jewish scholars. These men are, obviously, projecting their own fear of the feminine on this legendary woman who refused to summit herself to the male rule. The patriarchal regime condemns any standpoint attitude in women; cast away, Lilith came to represent a source of evil.

Some of the Hebrew religion’s sources come from ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, mainly Sumerian, Babylonian and Phoenician religions which were polytheists and worshipped goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar and Astarte, all of them associated to love, pleasure and fertility. Personally, I find that a tradition with many gods and goddess admits more easily the bright and dark side of the archetypes that they represent. A goddess can be both a nurturing mother but can also devour her children; she can bless a married couple and rejoice in their sexual pleasure. When monotheism, the Jewish tradition and its heirs, Cristian and Muslim religions, denied the feminine divinity, the most sensuous and voluptuous aspects came to be associated to devilish dark creatures.

Brought up within a Catholic tradition, I was astonished, though relieved, when I discovered that the devil, that frightening evil hairy spirit with horns and goat feet who provokes bad thoughts in men and women, was, in fact, no other than Pan, the Greek god of music and sexual pleasure. An archetype cannot be destroyed; when the Christian theologians repelled him, they made him responsible of all the dark aspects of human nature, mainly the expression of free sexual instincts; thus, Pan and all his companions, the satyrs chasing nymphs, withdrew to become part of the shadow of mankind; from there, they keep tempting Christians out of the right path established by the Church.

Something very similar happened to the darks aspects of the Mother and Females archetypes (let us remember that dark does not mean bad, in a symbolic and psychological context); the power that Kali or other ancient goddesses have to reclaim their children who are born from them, and later on die and become humus, was attributed to Lilith. In the same manner, the eternal feminine capacity for pleasure and seduction was also condemned, basically because men, committed to the patriarchal, regime were afraid of that feminine power.

From time to time, the dark side of the feminine, those female hidden demons, revolt themselves against the patriarchal tyranny. This is clear now with the transit of Pluto in Capricorn empowering the Dark Mother; the Furies (the angry daughters of the Dark Mother) come out from the shadow to take revenge and destroy powerful men, as in the case of Hollywood Harvey Weinstein.

Fortunately, the symbol of the Moon in the astrological chart can constellate and integrate all those contradictory aspects of the Great Mother and the Feminine power; in a man’s chart, the Moon (and Venus) tell us about his innermost fears and desires towards women, as well as his conscious and unconscious mother image. And in a woman’s chart, the Moon and Venus, besides telling us about her relationship with her own mother, these two planets show us also her potential for becoming herself a mother, as well as her creative and destructive power towards men.

Xavier Betancourt





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