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翻訳・文責 持田 直子(ザビエ・ベトコート・ジャパン代表)

1997年から2006年まで国際連合事務総長を務め、ノーベル平和賞を受賞し、この8月に逝去したコフィー・アナン氏が受けた数々の賞賛を読んだ中で、彼を最も的確に描写したのは、「平和の英雄であり人類を最善へと導いた人 ('a champion of peace and a guiding force for good')」という表現ではないだろうか。この卓越した人物を表す完璧な公式は、彼が牡羊座で生まれながらに戦士であったことと言えるが、その牡羊座の太陽と土星(制限と収縮)が重なり合っていることから、彼は自身が持つ爆発的なエネルギーを高潔な目的に向けることを学んだ、とも言えるのだろう。
コフィー・アナン氏の出生図(1938年4月8日出生地ガーナ、クマシ 出生時間不明)

The best description I have read among all the tributes paid to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations from 1997 to 2006, and Nobel Peace Prize, who died last August, is: ‘a champion of peace and a guiding force for good’. A perfect formula for defining this excellent man, who, as an Aries, was a natural fighter, but with his Sun conjunct to Saturn (restriction and contraction) he learned how to focus his explosive energy towards righteous purposes.
Kofi Annan, born on April/8, 1938 in Kumasi, Ghana (time unknown) displays some of the best aspects of his sign, always a leader and a discoverer of new paths and initiatives; one of the most important was the evaluation of the ecosystems of the planet, The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (published in 2005). It took 5 years to conclude this report where 1360 scientific experts of the whole world participated; it concluded that there would be an ecological catastrophe in about 50 years; the purpose of this announcement was not to frighten mankind, but to help propose active remedies to prevent horror; such a document represents a challenge for governments, world organizations and normal people.
Annan had a deep intuitive way in directing his powerful energy for the good cause. Since Aries can be very impulsive, I always recommend them to learn how to pick up their own battles, it can be so easy for Aries people to get trapped in conflicts and fights that they did not choose, and it can be such a waste of energy and time for them.
But how can an impulsive intuitive type learn how to command his or her energy in a safe and productive way?
The key point is commitment; with Jupiter in Aquarius in his natal chart, Annan was a man of universal (Aquarius) values (Jupiter), and revolutionary ideas, always engaged with moral responsibility. If we want to express the UN principle and purpose in astrological terms, Jupiter in Aquarius would naturally be my choice; the United Nations is an innovative proposal of organized connection and distribution of goods and peace (Aquarius) under the law (Jupiter). In ancient times, the Olympics would be the equivalent. A public personality such as this former UN Secretary embodies the archetype; the Nobel Prize of Peace was his seal.
This devotion of unity and brotherhood can only be effective if we commit ourselves to it in a practical way; Annan’s chart has the advantage of having several planets in earth, Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars, which pushed him to make things happen. Observe the tension (square) between his Mars (ruler of Aries, his solar sign) and Jupiter. Though cautious, Annan must have been very stubborn when trying to achieve his goals; anybody with this square might feel terribly uncomfortable if his or her ideas do not become concrete. A key point too is his Uranus in Taurus; Annan always tried to make rich countries share their wealth and technological advantages with the poor. Also, let us notice that he died with Uranus in transit conjunct to his natal Venus (ruler of Taurus); he could not complete his Uranus return, but I have the impression that Kofi Annan is going to become an icon during this universal transit of Uranus in Taurus, a symbol of awareness and responsibility of sharing a common ground: planet Earth.
Most important, the conjunction of Saturn with his Sun in Aries made him become cautious and sensible; it must have been tough for a natural rebellious Aries to learn how to respect authority, obey and resist frustration. No doubt that Annan disapproved of his former boss in the UN, and of the USA’s manipulation of this organism, especially during the Iraq war (which Annan disapproved), but he knew how to wait and make the best of his possibilities to help those who were suffering. One clear example; in 2005, he created a program allowing Iraq to sell oil in order to get food and medicines for its people.
Elegant and discrete, Kofi Annan managed to improve and helped recover face for the UN without confronting directly the USA; he knew that one third of the UN budget came for this rich country, but he did not allow his charge in this institution to be manipulated by selfish aims of power. It must have been very hard to keep a balance between the USA pressure and those who accused him of not fighting enough for human rights.
Kofi Annan kept his commitment with the safeguard and evolution of humanity until the end of his life; as a child, he witnessed the collapse of the Second World War, and the horrors in Africa, his continent; he then saw the creation of organizations and institutions to preserve and create a peaceful modern world, the UN, WHO, UNESCO; he then eventually participated in them to improve their capabilities. But he died, I am afraid, perceiving the loss of these values carried away be the dark tide of cynic tyrants in many parts of the world.
I am convinced that Kofi Annan’s image is an authentic role model; it helps us understand what commitment means during these tough years with the transits of the transpersonal planets.
At his funeral, this great man, not a saint but a real hero, was honoured by thousands of important politicians, intellectuals, artists and millions of people all around the world.
By the way, have you seen or heard any homage of president Trump’s about him? I have not. And I am not surprised; Kofi Annan stands for the opposite values of Trump’s. But Annan’s image will keep growing in admiration throughout the years and centuries; I do not think that such will be the case with Donald Trump.
Xavier Betancourt